Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year Count Down!
Oh mayb dpk sister will come with me cos she a bit busy to pick up her friend at Heathrow airport. Hope she can make it on time. Oh forget to tell you one important thing, after all people shout happy new year, all the couples there will start to kiss... that what I heard my friend said...
OK gotta go now, I'll post the pic for you guy to see later...
Happy New Year everyone!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Meaning of My Name " Dara"!
Hey guys! Guess what? Actually, my name is not only meant something in "Khmer", but also international meaning. It was about two weeks ago that I came across the meaning of my name on It is so amazing to find my name on Wikipedia... Lolz! Well, let's me tell you what it means. As we all know, in Khmer Dara mean star up in the dark sky during the silent night with the moon to shine the earth... In the Bible's Old Testament Books of Chronicles, "Dara" means "Pearl of wisdom" or "Wisdom and compassion" in Hebrew name. It also means "to live" as a verb in Modern Hebrew language. Well, in Aramaic, which I have no idea what it is, it means "Pearl", "Father-of-pearl", or "Marble". Dara also means "Leader" in Turkish and Punjabi, "Wealthy" in Persian, and "Beautiful one" in Kiswahili. it also interpret as "Girl" in Indonesian language, "Virgin" in Malay, as my friends told me, and "Oak Tree" in Irish, but it's still meaningful. Wow, it is so cool, right? As normally, the names may have a good meaning in their own language, but can mean nothing or even worst in other language. However, I am so glad to know that my name is so meaningful and fascinating. Thank to my parents for naming me "Dara". P.S. Hey if you don't believe me you can check on Wikipedia or click here.
Going to Cinema!
December 18, 2007
Well after the long weeks of trying to complete my assignments, me and my friend decided to release our tension by going to watch a movie in the cinema in Lancaster Square. Actually, it supposed to be "friends" as two of them are so lazy and haven't complete their assignments on time. So, it only two of us went out.
We decided to watch the new movie called, "Golden Compass". The ticket was so expensive, £12.50 per person. First, we were a bit hesitated, but as we had decided we went for the movie; so we bought two tickets. Wow, it was the hugest expense I ever spent on movie, but people said "Don't regret on what you have done, if it is not illegal; otherwise, you will not complete anything."
The movie is so great, both the story and the graphic and sound technology. It is completely different from the cinema in our country as the sound is not so high-tech. Here if the camera is focus on one person and the other is talking or making sound at the back or far away, you can hear it from the seat as if you are inside the movie. You know what I mean right? However, there is one thing I hate about that movie, "Golden Compass". It got no ending, cos I think the director want to continue the story, "Golden Compass 2". Lolz!
Well but it's a great movie. You guys should watch it, buy cheap DVD in our country tov, it's better...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Unexpected Result!

Monday, December 17, 2007
What the Magic Word(s)?
During the session in Micro-economics, my lecturer has mention about the exported products of UK. Products here can be both goods and service. He said that the top exported product is Financial Service. The second one is, he forgot. For the top third exported product is ***. Therefore, the UK government is so strict on this part.
Next year, the law that related to this product will be strengthened double or even triple, in my idea. That is also the reason why I have to wait for nearly 2 hours at the immigration control in Heathrow Airport.
*** What the magic word?
1. It begins with a vowel.
2. It is what we all want to have...
3. It is very important for us...
The deadline of this quiz is New Year... Good Luck!
Different in marking system!
One day during my lecture, long time ago, my lecturer told us about the different in marking system in UK.
In Cambodia, the score is deducted when we make mistake, right? However, here the mark is putting up and also deducted. If there is ten point to mention in the essay, you have to mention all of it and make it accurately. One idea mean one mark. Mark also deducts when you make vocabulary or grammatical mistake.
In UK, it is so rare for students to get above 70%! Why? Cos, 70+ is A already. It is equivalent to 85 in USA system...
On the other hand, it is so funny to here him said that, if you got less than 80 in German, you failed. Is it true? I don know.
Oh you can go to this website to see the comparison...
Interesting, right?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Earning money from what you write!
Another new business to introduce! I have just sign up with Payperpost, which is a blog reviews website that you can earn money from just posting what you like on your blog. It is easy and simple.
As we all like to write a blog, why don’t earn some money from it?
First after you sign up with Payperpost, you have to submit your blog for approval. It take around 3 days to know whether your blog is accept or reject. When your blog have been accept, you can now take opportunities which will label the price you can earn when you post that opportunity on your blog.
You guys might wonder, how they are going to pay us, right? The payment is made through Paypal, the secure website used to buy and send money on the net. The money will be sent one month after you have post the opportunity, because they have to see that you still keep the post after you received the money. Oh! The best thing is you don’t have to enter your bank account, which is very risky on the net. You guys know what I mean? “Scam”.
This Payperpost is not a scam, it is a real business on the net. I have made some money already from this payperpost. Isn’t it cool? So why don try it!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Bad Day!
I have produced a marketing plan for my project, which have been told by my lecture the best marketing plan of the semester, but... So hard to say! I'm feeling so sad now...
Ok, today I though that the presentation started at 14:30, as written on the noticeboard, but time change on the day of presentation. It started at 12:30 and I arrive at 14. How stupid, I am! They said it's ok, cos the lectures just want to know how much efford you put in this project. It's fine. However, I still feel quilty!
It made me feel worst when my marketing lecturer come back to give us comment. He talked directly to me. He said he want me to present what i had done. He have back me up with external examiner that my marketing plan is the best marketing plan ever produced by the first year first semester students. He said at my level, it is even better than the other second and third year students.
He said he is so disappionted in me that i didn't show up. He wanted me to show off my work to the external examiners, but why? Why i didn't show up? After hearing those words, I feel like all the light in the world has been suck away. I feel so bad. How this stupid thing happen to me? Why?
I wish I can turn back time! And Start All This Thing Again!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
You make me smile!
I first check my email. Then I saw some comment on my blog. So i visit my blog to reply all the comment. Suddenly, I realise that I was smiling without knowing it. Everytime I read all of you guys comments on my blog and on your blog, I feel so relax and happy. I smile with very sentences of the comment no matter how "Bad" it is! It's always mean somethings to me...
Thank you for visiting my blog...
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Funny Clip (Universal Studio)!
Hey have a look at this video! It is so funny, I am sure you will laugh at some part of the clip.
If not, mayb you got some problem with your sense of humour... Haha
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Make money from blog!
Hey guys!
I have found a new Website called "bloggerwave" that we can earn money by just posting what we want to post about. Isn't it cool. While you are writing a post for your blog, at the same time you can make some money.
Beside, it is better than put an advertising banners on our blog, cos sometimes, it's not look good or much to our blog. However, with Bloggerwave, you just write a post and get paid after your post is approved.
Simple way to earn money!Why don't you try it?
Monday, December 3, 2007
What you think of my blog?
Started date: November 1, 2007 to Closed date: November 30, 2007
Here is the result:
Criteria | Number of Votes | Percentage |
Interesting | 24 | 96% |
So so | 1 | 4% |
Boring (but still ...) | 0 | 0% |
TOTAL | 25 | 100% |
Interesting isn't it? Thank you guys for voting my blog as interesting! I can see that there is 25 visitors to my blog. Hope it will increase...
They found out...
Man! I don't know whether they found it out or not? Or mayb they just move to other place or stop using it. All I can do now is guessing, that all.
Oh! I'm talking about the internet connection. I cannot find that network on wireless network list anymore. I think they stop using it, because the bill mayb too high (cos we help them use it!). Now I cannot use internet at home anymore. This has happened for one week already. So far, I have to go to the library to do all my stuff. This is the reason why there is no new post recently on my blog or my comments on you guys blog!
I hope that there is someone leaving their network unsecured again so that I can use, Lol...
P.S. Yeah you right Sovan so I better delete the blog that I commit a crime soon...
The Magic word is...
Finally, we have our winner...
Kanitha (dpk)
The answer of the first quiz, "What the Magic Word(s)?", is
It was amazing that they weight the money. The machine is designed to identified the amount of money by its weight. So the cashier has to categorise the money according to there value, like £5, £10, £20, and so on.
As Christmas is coming, your prize will a Christmas present. Therefore, you will receive it until Christmas. So, you have to wait na... I can't tell you what it is cos it's a "Christmas Gift".
New Quiz is coming soon...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Mail Attention!
Dear Friends,
There is an error with my Yahoo Mail account; therefore, I cannot access to all the mail you had sent to me from 25-now. I cannot do anything with that mail, like address book, attachment file, and so on.If you appear to send me any mail during that period, could you please re-send it to my second email which is
I have send this error report to Yahoo! already. They said they will sort this problem out and notice me within 24 hours. I hope they do so.
The problem is I have used that account for my academic and communication purpose, and gmail for my blog and other stuffs. That the big problem...
From now on, if you want to contact me, please use the above email address until further notice.
P.S. Could you forward this notice to all of our friends?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Dare or Silly?
Are you brave enough to play with a lion? This monkey is so dare!
On the other hand, this one is so silly! Was it really that bad...? Lol
A Strange Night!
Tonight, or this morning in Cambodia, I did know why I felt so sleepy. Normally, I go to bed late, let's say around 12 or sth. However, tonight, While I was reading a book, Business Plan in a Week, I suddenly felt so sleepy and dropped the book on my chest and felt asleep.
After 3 hours of dreamy sleep, I was woken up by a strange object in the sky... As I remembered, before I felt asleep the sky was so cloudy. There was not a single star or a light of a moon shining behind the cloud. However, when I woke up, everything changed. The sky was so clear, not a single cloud. The strange thing is the moon.
Normally, the moon light suppose to be soft and relaxed when we look at it, but not with this moon. The light is so strong and bright. It is as bright as a light bulb or flash light shooting from the sky... Whenever I look at it, I don feel like it is a moon after all.
Is it just the moon in London or what? Or "Is it something else in the sky?"
P.S. I can't sleep with this strange shiny light from the MOON, that why I decide to post this strange thing right away...
Friday, November 23, 2007
រីករាយ បុណ្យអ៊ុំទូក អកអំបុក សំពះព្រះែខ! (Happy Water Festival)
Hey guys!
If I am not wrong today and the next two days are Water Festival, right? So what you guys planning to do on that day? By the way... Who gonna dance on the boat this year? Haha My friends at EFI said, they planned to go to KEAN SVAY on the third day! And how about the other (you guys at IFL)?
រីករាយ បុណ្យអ៊ុំទូក អកអំបុក សំពះព្រះែខ!
P.S. I try to write in Khmer with Unicode but the leg of the letter is not working te... Or mayb they will appear right on the blog... But I know you guy will understand right... If you just see block sign that mean your computer don have khmer unicode...
Attention Readers!
This is a notice for the "What's the Magic Word(s)?" quiz show!
As you guys took so long to guess the answer I think it should be time! Things have to end, it cannot go on and on, none stop...
I have come to a conclusion that the first quiz will be close at the end of this month! The answer of the quiz will announce on at the beginning of next month...
So give your best shoot as the time is limited... All response will be keep until the result come out! Each can only take THREE chances!
1. There are 6 letters in this magic word!
2. There are 2 vowels!
3. It can be noun or verb! But here, it is a verb!
4. It is normally used in the market!
5. It is very important to girl!
If you think you know the answer! Wait no more, click here!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
My first salary!
Hey you know what? Of course you don't know..., cos I not yet told you what... haha
Ok ok, let's me get to the point! As you have seen the "Title", you might have guess that I have a job, but what kind of job?
Before I tell you what my job is, let's me tell you what my lecturer said. My business statistics lecturer told us it was good to have a part-time job during university years. Why? Because you can gain experience from life, you will know how hard it is to make money so you will not spend it mindlessly on unnecessary things. She said that salary and type of job were not important, what important was experiences. She even suggested us to work in a bar... Lol. Cos she said we can improve our language and learn how to socialise with other people.
My job is a part-time waiter at Place to Eat in John Lewis Shopping Centre. My duty is to clear the table, I am not taking food order, cos at that restaurant is half fast food and half formal restaurant. Sometimes, I work in the kitchen when there is not many customer outside. However, work in the kitchen is easier than outside, cos all I have to do is collect the cleaned plates and organise it. It is not so crowded on week days, but on weekends, OH MY GOD, people just flood in and out from 10am to 3pm.
My salary is weekly basic. It is £5.52 per hour. This week I just work for 11 hours so my salary is £60.72, deducted £1 for tax, so I get £59.72. They not give me cash, but cheque. So I have to go to the bank to withdraw it. I have attach the photo of my cheque, wanna see...
My time and payment record
My cheque (NatWest Bank)
My personal advices about this job:
1. If you like "Eating", don work as a waiter/waitress
2. You have cannot eat while you working
3. You have to watch people eating while you serve them
4. ...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A Trip to Disney Store!
Oxford Street is the biggest shopping street in London. There is so many people on that street, especially Friday and weekend afternoon. Cos most of the shop in London will close at 6pm on weekends. Completely different from Cambodia...
On that street I have found a Disney shop... Wow so cool inside! They sell a lot of Disney toys "Pooh", customs, books, DVDs, etc.
Let's see inside...
Hey look small Pooh! It so soft...
Here is High School Musical products, clothes, toys, games, pens, books, and so on...
Hey Look down here... This car is sign by all the main stars in High School Musical... So cool right!
Well after an hour in Disney store, I don't know what to buy, cos most of the stuffs in here (London) is so expensive... But as I have walked around here for 1 hour, I should buy something; otherwise, I will be look so suspicious... So I just bought one pack of HSM postcard... It's just £3... Cheaper compared to other stuff... and the postcard is nice...
Saturday, November 17, 2007
My first cooking!
November 6, 2007
Well this is the first food that I officially cooked by myself. Of course, I used to cook some food like fried egg, scramble egg, boil egg, noodle with egg, and more eggs... This time is different! I cook beef with broccoli... Very nice taste (I guess)
It looked much better when it is full, Because it look so tasty that why my friends can't wait to grab a plat and take some hehe...
Wow this one look so professional! It's like a chef from a big hotel...
Down here are the picture of my flatmate... From left to right (Kelly, Me, Jenny, Terence). The two girl are Chinese and the guy is Malaysian-Chinese. Terence eats pork, so that fine...
Jenny: I'm so hungry, I can't wait... Mmmm yummy...
Me: Kelly eat some broccoli, very tasty
Kelly: Can't you see, I am taken picture! No time to eat, have 2 smile
Terence: Oh man that camera took so long...
Moving to New House!
Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting so long, because so busy nas. Today I have just finished one of my assignment. Now I am a bit free to post some more info...
November 1, 2007
In the early Saturday morning, 10am (that is so early for weekends in here), Me and my friend move our big luggage to our new house. Wow my luggage was so big and heavy! I took a bus C11 from Belsize Park to Willesden Green, which took us nearly 1 hour.
Arriving at the bus stop, we had to walk to our house cos we aren't living on the main road. After I reached the house, there is another big task for me, cleaning my room... See! the floor on the pic was so clean, but in fact, it was so dirty with dust... I had to clean that... Oh man so tired!
Well after a hard work, it's time for shopping... I had to buy a pillow, duvet, and the covers. There is one shopping mall in London that you can buy cheap stuffs. It called, Primemark. The worst thing about this mall is, you have to queue so long at the counter, cos it's cheap...
Now look at my room after some hard work... Nice right! But I think it still the same, cos this pic was not taken on the same day it completed, that why! Just take it today (forgot ha ha)
Oh forgot to tell you guy! My new address is 72 Villiers Road, NW2 5PJ, London, United Kingdom. Hey it's nearly Christmas heuy, if you want to send me some gift, do it right now! I am waiting for your presents...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Oh My God!

I'm gonna freeze if i get outside of my house tonight!

You know what! Last night the temperature is just drop to -1 degree. Today is much better, but still cold the maximum of the temperature this week is below 10. Oh my god I don no what gonna happen in winter!
Thank goodness my house got heater not air con like in Cambodia...
Monday, November 5, 2007
Jesse McCartney: Why don't you kiss her?
What's the MAGIC word(s)?
When I first arrived in UK, I have to opened a bank account, right? It is too dangerous to keep the money under my pillow, because I have to share a room with other 2 stangers. Otherwise, I do need an accoun; if not, how can my parents sent me money to cover my expense.
So, after three days my university had issued a letter for me to open a bank account at HSBC. On the next day, I bring my money to bank into my new account. When I arrived at the counter, I gave them the money, and then they started to *** it. I found it so amazing.
*** What is the Magic word?
Winner will receive a gift from me. I don't know when, but I promise.
P.S. Thank to Lida for giving me the idea of putting a quize in my blog.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Tall: Hey what are you looking at?

Oh my God! Where is his head?

Statue: Hey birdy! If you shit on me, you will be my dinner.
Birds: Help! A statue can talk!

Instead of Holloween, they all prepare for Christmas. On every channel on TV, there always be an Christmas advertisement. People start booking for their Christmas items, toys,...

Monday, October 29, 2007
Different in Time!
Hope you didn't forget it, Lida and Pheara. So now the time in London is 7 hours later than in Cambodia, whereas before was 6 hours different.
So strange, right?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Earning Money From Our Blog!!
You can earn some money from your blog by just posting some advertisements on your blog, like I do. This one of the program of google. You will earn when people click on the advertisment on your blog, but you can't click it by yourself. Google will know it. I don't know how they know it, but I have tried to click on my ad. and earn nothing.
For more information go to or Now I have earn $0.11 cos one of you guys have click on my ad. once. Mayb Lida? Cos I have told her yesterday...
If you want to sign up for this program, please use the logo on the top right of my blog. Cos if you do so, I can earn some money.
P.S. If you have time, come to my blog and click or search from my blog na... If you have got it on your blog, I will help you click on it.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
First music on the blog!!
It is called, Fabulous from HSM2
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
One of the BIG day!!
Every group have their style and concept about the project. Oh I forgot to tell you what is the project about. The Project is about the Future University. We as a group have to imagine that we were one company and have been asked to design our existing campus which is 106 Piccidally Building to be the University Head Quarter for the future.
Well now as you familiar with what I have been doing, let's me continue. My company name is SIX Degree, because our member is coming from 6 different faculties. My responsibility is the business part, as I am doing Business Administration. Our concept of the project is Machinery+Transformation+Conquer. As the team we have to plan what the university will like for the next 30 or 50 years. The design student have come up with the model of the building and we business student have to write a business plan and do the market research. The result of the market research will pass to advertising student to come up with the advertising campaign. And so much more...
On that day there is a delay of time due to each group have exceed the time of their presentation. So for me as the last group to present have to wait until 7pm and end at 8.30pm. I know it so late but the lecturer just keep giving command on what we have done and what we should be done. It's been a long day...
After I came back to my hostel I have to do the laundry while I'm typing this post. It is now nearly 12 mid-night. But now it normal for me cos i always go to sleep at 1 or 2 and wake up by 8 or 9, depending on my timetable.
Wow I think I am talking too much and you guys might feel so bored reading this right?
See ya...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Baby break dance
Wow what a cool move he got! I bet he will become a world famous dancer when he grow up...
A Beautiful Love Story
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Top 10 Unexplained Phenomena
Medical science is only beginning to understand the ways in which the mind influences the body. The placebo effect, for example, demonstrates that people can at times cause a relief in medical symptoms or suffering by believing the cures to be effectiveewhether they actually are or not. Using processes only poorly understood, the bodyes ability to heal itself is far more amazing than anything modern medicine could create.
Number 9:

Psychic powers and extra-sensory perception (ESP) rank among the top ten unexplained phenomena if for no other reason than that belief in them is so widespread. Many people believe that intuition (see #3) is a form of psychic power, a way of accessing arcane or special knowledge about the world or the future. Researchers have tested people who claim to have psychic powers, though the results under controlled scientific conditions have so far been negative or ambiguous. Some have argued that psychic powers cannot be tested, or for some reason diminish in the presence of skeptics or scientists. If this is true, science will never be able to prove or disprove the existence of psychic powers.

People who were once near death have sometimes reported various mystical experiences (such as going into a tunnel and emerging in a light, being reunited with loved ones, a sense of peace, etc.) that may suggest an existence beyond the grave. While such experiences are profound, no one has returned with proof or verifiable information from ebeyond the grave.e Skeptics suggest that the experiences are explainable as natural and predictable hallucinations of a traumatized brain, yet there is no way to know with certainty what causes near-death experiences, or if they truly are visions of ethe other side.e
Number 7:

There is no doubt that UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) existemany people see things in the skies that they cannot identify, ranging from aircraft to meteors. Whether or not any of those objects and lights are alien spacecraft is another matter entirely; given the fantastic distances and effort involved in just getting to Earth from across the universe, such a scenario seems unlikely. Still, while careful investigation has revealed known causes for most sighting reports, some UFO incidents will always remain unexplained.

Deje vu is a French phrase meaning ealready seen,e referring to the distinct, puzzling, and mysterious feeling of having experienced a specific set of circumstances before. A woman might walk into a building, for example, in a foreign country sheed never visited, and sense that the setting is eerily and intimately familiar. Some attribute deje vu to psychic experiences or unbidden glimpses of previous lives. As with intuition (see #3), research into ,human psychology can offer more naturalistic explanations, but ultimately the cause and nature of the phenomenon itself remains a mystery.
Number 5:

From the Shakespeare play "MacBeth" to the NBC show "Medium," spirits of the dead have long made an appearance in our culture and folklore. Many people have reported seeing apparitions of both shadowy strangers and departed loved ones. Though definitive proof for the existence of ghosts remains elusive, sincere eyewitnesses continue to report seeing, photographing, and even communicating with ghosts. Ghost investigators hope to one day prove that the dead can contact the living, providing a final answer to the mystery.

People disappear for various reasons. Most are runaways, some succumb to accident, a few are abducted or killed, but most are eventually found. Not so with the truly mysterious disappearances. From the crew of the Marie Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, and Natalee Holloway, some people seem to have vanished without a trace. When missing persons are found, it is always through police work, confession, or accident never by epsychic detectivese). But when the evidence is lacking and leads are lost, even police and forensic science canet always solve the crime.

Whether we call it gut feelings, a esixth sense,e or something else, we have all experienced intuition at one time or another. Of course, gut feelings are often wrong (how many times during aircraft turbulence have you been esuree your plane was going down?), but they do seem to be right much of the time. Psychologists note that people subconsciously pick up information about the world around us, leading us to seemingly sense or know information without knowing exactly how or why we know it. But cases of intuition are difficult to prove or study, and psychology may only be part of the answer.

For decades, large, hairy, manlike beasts called Bigfoot have occasionally been reported by eyewitnesses across America. Despite the thousands of Bigfoot that must exist for a breeding population, not a single body has been found. Not one has been killed by a hunter, struck dead by a speeding car, or even died of natural causes. In the absence of hard evidence like teeth or bones, support comes down to eyewitness sightings and ambiguous photos and films. Since it is logically impossible to prove a universal negative, science will never be able to prove that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster do not exist, and it is possible that these mysterious beasts lurk far from prying eyes.
Number 1:
The Taos Hum

Some residents and visitors in the small city of Taos, New Mexico, have for years been annoyed and puzzled by a mysterious and faint low-frequency hum in the desert air. Oddly, only about 2 percent of Taos residents report hearing the sound. Some believe it is caused by unusual acoustics; others suspect mass hysteria or some secret, sinister purpose. Whether described as a whir, hum, or buzzeand whether psychological, natural, or supernaturaleno one has yet been able to locate the soundes origin.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Aaron Carter: Without you (There be no me) "The combination of music-video"
"Without You (There'd Be No Me)"
I've been around on this journey
And I'm learning
As the world keeps turning
You got a face to fight
Just live the dream
Who could've believe
That one of achieved
Who would have ever guessed
It would be like that
(Come on)
But through it all
Who's been there for me
To care with me
Even shed a tear for me
You're the one who's kept it real
So in return this is how I feel
(Come on)
Do you mind where I came from?
And I had to tell you in this song
Without you
Where would I be?
(Come on, hit me out now)
No matter where the
Road may lead me..
Hometown boy
Or a face on TV
It's plain to see
That without you
There'd be no me
(Be no me, come on)
It's a dream that
I've come so far
The ups and downs are there
But I work so hard
Many people don't know the life I live
Always on the road, always planning the show
Getting down to business in the studio
I can face the day cause the love you give
Through it all when the day is done
The nights begun
You're still my No. 1
You're the one who's kept it real
So in return this is how I feel
(Come on)
Do you mind where I came from?
And I had to tell you in this song
Without you
Where would I be?
(Come on, hit me out now)
No matter where the
Road may lead me..
Hometown boy
Or a face on TV
It's plain to see
That without you
There'd be no me
(Be no me, come on)
One shout to my family
Cause when things get hard you understand me
Two shouts to my boys at home
Although I'm not there you know you're not alone
Three shouts to my label
Cause with them I would not be able to make the fourth
Shout out the ones I think about
Masterpiece to the masterplan
That's you da fans
Do you mind where I came from?
And I had to tell you in this song
Without you
Where would I be?
(Come on, hit me out now)
No matter where the
Road may lead me..
Hometown boy
Or a face on TV
It's plain to see
That without you
There'd be no me
(Be no me, come on)
Do you mind where I came from?
And I had to tell you in this song
Without you
Where would I be?
(Come on, hit me out now)
No matter where the
Road may lead me..
Hometown boy
Or a face on TV
It's plain to see
That without you
There'd be no me
(Be no me)
Monday, September 17, 2007
I will survive (Alien Song)
Hi there!!
How do you do everybody? Feel bored or lonely?
If so the song above may cheer you up a little!
If not, just for a laugh!
Both are a little pity at the end.
Monday, September 3, 2007
A few days alone in London!!
During my lonely time, I have visit some place around my hostel and my uni. Here are some pic.

Cos Very things is green!! (execpt the dirt and tree log)

At Buckingham Palace next to Green Park,

Queen Victorial Rememberial (Spelling?)
News Report in front of Buckingham Palace
Hey one more thing, Here is my number, (+44) 07942304661. I just got it when I open a bank account. It a special offer for new international student studying in London. By the way, at my hostel there is a wireless internet connection. So, I mostly online. If you have free time go online so that we can chat...
See ya...