Well guess what guys... It's vacation...

On the Christmas party last night, it is also the day that the lecture gave out the certificate for student who participated in the academic project. However, it's so sad, cos on that same day i had business stat. exam. Everyone celebrate and me sitting for the exam...
Oh on after refreshment, my lecturer gave a short speech and announce the outstanding group in the project. Don't ask me what he said, cos I was doing exam upstair can't hear anything. Then when he announce that the first outstanding group is "Six degree", my group name, everyone clapped but non of my group member were there so stupid... and then they all when sileint, so my lecturer go on, to announce the second outstanding group which is my flatmate group, "Juicy Bread". There is only two group got outstanding. So cool right?
Then after I finish exam, I just went down to the party to grab something to eat. My friends come to congratulate me, and I didn't know what they talking about...
Here is my certificate...

YEAH! congratulation! Hey what u r gonna do during this winter recess? If no plan, y don't u come to visit me? has has ha
wow dara, u really done a great job
P.S. Poor U, U r not there when they annouce it........
Yeah so sad to have exam on that day...
Anyway still have a certificate to show off del... hah
Hey Lida... who said i'm free on christmas... on vacation i have to work man... If you spend the air ticket for me, i will fly to usa to visit you on christmas... haha
Congratulation! U a perfect! Ur group is very great. I hope u will be done many great job ever after.
Great student!!!
Well done, Harry. You are doing great. Woooh, great job. You'll be a great man in the future, won't you, Harry?
Wish you more, more, more luck ;)
Thank guys! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sound funny huh?
The winner group were not presented on this auspicious occasion...
Poor YOU...
Sorry just have time to read
bit later than other though
No problem at least you visit my blog... Hey why you not update your blog for so long...
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