Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Meaning of My Name " Dara"!

Hey guys! Guess what? Actually, my name is not only meant something in "Khmer", but also international meaning.

It was about two weeks ago that I came across the meaning of my name on It is so amazing to find my name on Wikipedia... Lolz!

Well, let's me tell you what it means. As we all know, in Khmer Dara mean star up in the dark sky during the silent night with the moon to shine the earth... In the Bible's Old Testament Books of Chronicles, "Dara" means "Pearl of wisdom" or "Wisdom and compassion" in Hebrew name. It also means "to live" as a verb in Modern Hebrew language. Well, in Aramaic, which I have no idea what it is, it means "Pearl", "Father-of-pearl", or "Marble".

Dara also means "Leader" in Turkish and Punjabi, "Wealthy" in Persian, and "Beautiful one" in Kiswahili. it also interpret as "Girl" in Indonesian language, "Virgin" in Malay, as my friends told me, and "Oak Tree" in Irish, but it's still meaningful.

Wow, it is so cool, right? As normally, the names may have a good meaning in their own language, but can mean nothing or even worst in other language. However, I am so glad to know that my name is so meaningful and fascinating. Thank to my parents for naming me "Dara".

P.S. Hey if you don't believe me you can check on Wikipedia or click here.


Anonymous said...

wow, how wonderful!!! M gonna try to find out about my name too, whether it has a meaning or not.

But I think not cos my name is the true khmer word.....LolXXX

Harry said...

At least it mean something in khmer right? I think it mean more than "Girl" right?

P.S. Heard your sis said you will come to study here...

Anonymous said...

why my name IS DARA so I was just happy to hear about the whole meaning
So if ya wanna chat heres my email
check ya l8r