Thursday, June 5, 2008

Internet problem in the new house!

Hi ya... How ya doing guys? Me fine... Just finish all the school work last week... So free now! I am now on summer vacation na... Any advice for me ot?

Ok back to the topic... You know what we just got the internet connection in the new house... First we thought that the internet will be in the new address by 10th this month. Fortunately, we just plugged in the router and the broadband light turned green so you know what that mean... Internet is now on!!!

We have waited for that internet for nearly month now... It is BT fault!! You know... First i called them on the 14th, May to tell them that I wanted to move my telephone line and broadband to my new address by the 19th, May, cos on its website it said we just need to inform them 5 days before we move... Then they said ok... However, few day later they call me that the broadband will only activate on the 5th, June. Then on the 3th they said that the broadband will be on 10th instead... Stupid BT... And now we have internet... What's the point? Stupid idiot BT... Why? Cos that not all, when i first applied for telephone line and broadband to my old address, it took me 2 months to get it done... Yab...

Sorry for the long and messy text... Cos just got internet hahaha


Molida said...

This post is nowhere long comparing to the long period that you were away from blogging. Anyway, welcome back. Guess what? you start you summer vacation, but I start my summer school. I take 11 units this semester while the regular maximum for summer is 10. Will I survive? Hopefully I will :-( Wish me luck guy! If you have nothing to do, spare some time to help me with my assignments lolz

Harry said...

Hahaha... Why you take so many units? Come on spare sometime to enjoy summer!!

Molida said...

Cos I wanna transfer to university, graduate, and go back to our lovely homeland as soon as possible neng na...You'll surely support me, won't you?

Harry said...

Of course! I always support you... Go Lida Go... GO go go!! But emotionally ONLY Lolzzz

Van-ishing said...

i support you too girl

harry: it seems to me u have problems with net quite lots.

Harry said...

How can i know... It just happens!!

Molida said...

thanks so much, sovan