**Frenix** (",)
Enjoy Your Life As It Is!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Getting Back to blogging
However, since now I only have to focus on working (thank god study finish), I might have some times to post on this blog regularly. Maybe once a week... Let's see...!
Anyway Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone...!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Ten funny facts
1. Your reading my post
2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5. Your checking it now.
6. Your smiling.
7. Your still reading my post.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didn't notice that i skipped 9 (agian).
11. Your checking it now.
12. You didn't notice there are only 10 facts
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A good memory...
Today after finishing my last assignment, I sat back and browsed through the pics of me and my friends during my trip to Cambodia last Christmas. It was so enjoyable and I really wanted to visit again, but sadly cannot (on a tight budget here!!).
I missed the time i spend during the party at EFI. Actually, the party is just for current students only, but as i got, i don know how to say, "pipe", so i could go too. (I hope you understand what i mean). We also performed on stage, danced, ate, and more dancing. You will never imagine how fast we ate. We ate like we never eat for months. Why? Cos on stage we perform the story of 7 January.
What a memory! Now sleep hery cos need to wake up early tomorrow to submit my assignment and go to work as well. After that prepare for my exam on 4th July. Oh so many things to do...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy Khmer New Year!!
Wish you all the best! Nothing to say much cos now so busy doing assignment...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
G20 Summit in London
Today, April 2, 2009, is a one of the remarkable day in the history. Why? I think most of you guys must have heard of the G20 summit in London. It is the biggest meeting of 20 world's leaders ever since WWII. The meeting is held at the Excel Centre not so far away from where i live, just the other side of river Thames... Lol
The purpose of this meeting is to deal with the global financial melt down. However, the meeting is not going to be held easily as there were lots of demonstration prior to the meeting. Yesterday, there were thousands of people doing demonstrations under different campaigns from stop the war, to climate change. They were saying that the meeting is just a waste of money and only benefit the rich not the poor. They don want the government to use the money of the tax payer to bail out banker again. The demonstration also went violence in front of the Bank of England.
Unfortunately, yesterday I had to go to uni for my mid-term exam. It is a bit scary though cos not so far away from my uni there is a demonstration going on. My uni is not so far away from the US embassy and near to the Buckingham palace. There were not many people on the street, bus, tube. No one wearing smart clothes or office suite as there was advice from the police to all the office worker to dress down for that day. The reason was they don want to be the target of the Anti-capitalism demonstration.
So, is there any demonstration going on over there?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Happy Late International Women's Day
Well I almost forgot that yesterday, cos it's already passed midnight, was international women's day. Until one of my colleague asked me, "Why don't you said Happy women day to me". Then i realized about it.
While in Cambodia, we have a holiday for 8th, March. However here, there is not many holidays going on. So holiday sure make a huge different. I hope u guys had a lot of fun... So for you guys abroad, did they celebrate International Women's Day?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Snowing in London!!
If you guys follow the news this week (Actually last week)... you probably have know that there was a heavy snow or a blizzard in London last Monday. I know that some of you might have already experience it, but for me it was a every enjoyable moment to see lot and lot of snow like that, even though it's a blizzard.
It hasn't snowed that hard in London for years... And lucky me i arrived from my holiday in Cambodia on time to see it... Lol oh here the pics...
Night before the blizzard...
Our cool... snowman... ?? (Yo! What's up?)
I'm here don worry little snowman... Lol...
Snow angle and snow ball...
In the morning, on the day of blizzard:
Such a waste of time no transportation... I was suppose to register for my next semester... But why waste it on waiting...
Let's took some photos...
Yeah welcome snow and enjoy a white winter...
This was what London looks like afterward:
P.S. This was wrote last Friday, but due to some technical problem it couldn't publish on time... Lol, some pics are BlueWind... Lol
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Hey Hey Hey...
Hi all... Sorry for being away for so so so long... Now hopefully I'll be staying around as long as you guys are. You know well when you stop doing sth for so long and thinking of coming back feel kinda... You just wait and wait and then you feel like you cannot find the right time. So as a result you just stop doing it...
I hope that this is the right time for me to return... Cos I know you guys support me and as well my mom and sis also ask me why i no longer update my blog and post more pics... She always copies the pic out of my blog and prints it to put in her album. Well, actually it's somehow is my blog album cos all the pics inside my blog are in her collection... Lol...
Now let's start blogging...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Closing Ceremony in Beijing...
Anyway, i have manage to find a clip of it and share it with you guys... hope you haven't seen it yet, lolzzz!
And here is the handover party in london in front of buckingham palace...
Monday, August 25, 2008
My week of new job!
Last Wednesday is my first day in my new permanent job. I work in a Ice-cream Café called, Häagen Daz, in Leicester Square as Back of House staff. This whole week and next week are training weeks. They so far have taught me the name of the ice-cream and taste them, which have nearly 20 flavours. I learned how to make drink and other stuffs.
Well on the training week, i had made some mistake and yeah was blamed by the team leader who trained me. To be honest, sometimes it's not really my fault cos i can hardly understand what she told me. Her french accent is so strong. So i had to ask her twice, which may be made her think "i'm stupid". One more thing after being blame and she stood next to me to see how i worked, i couldn't do anything at all. I can't scoop the ice cream, the drink is a big mess, everything went wrong. Oh that was a nightmare. However, when she leave everything went back to normal.
What an enjoyable, interesting, and absolutely horrible day...
P.S. BlueWind also work with me, but she was fine and lucky cos she was not trained by the leader like me and when she make mistake that leader is nowhere around.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
London 2012 Olympic Game...
This video is taken from London 2012 Olympic website... http://www.london2012.com/
Monday, August 11, 2008
A week of hard-work!!
Wow!! Finally, it's over... I have finish the four days work today and so so happy. Totally, I work around 36 hours not included break... Hopefully they paid for the break as well like at Lord Cricket Ground. If they pay for the break, it will be enough money for this month rental... Lolzzz
This time, I also work at cricket ground but different stadium, Oval Cricket Ground. The work is a bit harder than the last one, but much more fun as i have made a couple of friends. There is one guys also Harry Potter fan. His name is Juan Pablo from Columbia. He brought the book to work everyday and read it during the break time. I liked to tease him a lot especially in telling him what is happen next in Harry Potter movie as he only read book 6 now... So funny...
Well, hopefully the agency call me to work this week so that i can earn more money during the summer cos it's nearly over now...
P.S. Hey I forgot to tell you how long I have a break. It 90 minutes... Lolz
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Birth of Frenix!
Today is the triple 8 day (08.08.08). This also mark the day of Frenix. Frenix is a formation of two words, Friend and Phoenix. As Phoenix is the magical creature that live forever. Well, not really forever, but it will always reborn from the ash of itself to live a new life. It is also like Friendship that will last forever, but will sometime have got some problem like lose of contact and stuffs...
Anyway enough of the explanation here is the initial logo of our group Frenix.
I know it is not really nice yet as with my new laptop, i cannot do much with the design... Also to be honest, I don have much time now cos i am a bit busy with my work...
Anyway, about the head as i have seen lots of questions about it... It is nothing but a represent of the first five members who decide to form a this group up. Well who is who? It's up to you to decide, but i think the blue one is me... Lolzzz then that leave the green one is Longdy (Sorry no hair), the middle one should be Mango (Lida) as she is the one who come up with the idea of this group. If you look at the yellow one closely it somehow looks like BlueWind (Kanitha aka K1)... Cos when she make her hair to Thorpe Park it look like that. Finally the purple one is non other than Van-nishing (Sovann, sorry u have to open your mouth too big)...
Do you think the pics look alike in some ways or another...
Happy Birthday Frenix!!
Relate Topics:
P.S. Oh so tired now have to sleep and wake up tomorrow to work... Good night...
Olympic Game 2008
Well today is the launch of the Olympic Game in Beijing... Oh really wanna see it... Oh I just check some pic and i really like the swimming pool stadium... It look so great... Check it out...
Actually the Bubble structure of the building is not just for the outlook and fancy view... When the swimmer jump into the pool the reflection of light from the water will show the shape on the ceiling... So cool!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Other youtube videos...
These are the videos that i uploaded in youtube! They are the video of me and our friends went to pick apple in the garden...
Here is the first time!
Here is the second time! It has 4 parts!
Here is the ultimate race of all time to the top of the small tiny hill!
A trip to Thorpe Park!!
Last week, we went to Thorpe Park, a theme park, where we ride roller coasters like crazy... Most of the pics are taken after we finished riding as you knew that we couldn't wait to get on the ride. Some rides we have to wait nearly an hour and even more... Here are the slideshow i just upload in youtube...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Harry Potter 6
This is the trailer of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! Wow it's look so cool! Can't wait to see it... I think it will be on cinema around November this year!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
My First Sushi!
Hey guys... I just make a sushi right now and decide to share some pics of them with you all... Oh the process of making it is very hard and take long time as you have to prepare the sushi and rice and vinegar for nearly an hour. Also, the ingredients inside have to be cook except the fresh vegetables, which you can eat fresh, of course! After all the preparation and effort my sushi has finally done...
Hey can you guess what did i put inside? Bluewind, don tell anyone!
Just thought i should take the pics of them after plate decoration; so, i took it back out of the fridge... That why it a look like that!!
P.S. This sushi rice needed to fan it while mix it with vinegar too... Oh man...
The song... "Temperature"!
Hey have you guys ever listened to this song? I really like this song even though i don know what it said for the first time! The music is really cool...
What do you think? Some part seem like he sing in English, but some...?
Here is the lyric...
- Sean Paul Lyrics
P.S. I just found this song in my old phone memory card!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Boring Week!
They once try to place me for a permenent position, but as i'm on a student visa so i cannot work full time ban te... Yab! Hey tell you one thing about my work... My last assignment was at the Lord Cricket Ground, where prince Harry and William often come to play. The job at that place was really easy and simple... It was so fun working there. I didn't feel tired at all! I worked 11 hours that day but actually the net working time was only 5 hours or sth, cos there was nothing much to do so i just went to the back and had a seat and ate sth. The manager was so easy and kind... We can eat and drink what we like. Of course there is a limitation and restriction on the food we can eat!
Anyway the work was fun and easy. All i did was serve the food and drink. After that, stand around and chatting and eating... So fun... Hope to work at that place again... Lolzzz