Monday, August 11, 2008

A week of hard-work!!

Wow!! Finally, it's over... I have finish the four days work today and so so happy. Totally, I work around 36 hours not included break... Hopefully they paid for the break as well like at Lord Cricket Ground. If they pay for the break, it will be enough money for this month rental... Lolzzz

This time, I also work at cricket ground but different stadium, Oval Cricket Ground. The work is a bit harder than the last one, but much more fun as i have made a couple of friends. There is one guys also Harry Potter fan. His name is Juan Pablo from Columbia. He brought the book to work everyday and read it during the break time. I liked to tease him a lot especially in telling him what is happen next in Harry Potter movie as he only read book 6 now... So funny...

Well, hopefully the agency call me to work this week so that i can earn more money during the summer cos it's nearly over now...

P.S. Hey I forgot to tell you how long I have a break. It 90 minutes... Lolz


Anonymous said...

Oh come on boy!!!!!!

Don work so hard>>>> hmmmmm kon ke mean job,.,,,,,

Princess POOH said...

Wow...!!!!! hee-heee